Monday, August 22, 2005


Came accross a very usefull page in Sensei's today about how to use Framwork.
So rather than just happily playing along untill I notice that my opponent has a huge moyo and then blindly leaping in in a desperate attempt to invade and reduce the territory they gain in it I have no learnt better ways to deal with large framworks and, more importantly, how to see them appearing and when it is good to build them myself.
I attempted to apply this new knowledge in my next game on KGS, and I sucessfully built a very large framework and then turned it into territory and was around 60 points untill I lost both my corners to my opponent who then found a nice big flaw in the edge of my framwork. Eventually I won the game by half a point, which I won in a Ko fight right at the end. Exciting game, and one I certanly would have lost without my new knowledge about framwork. It's great to see new knowledge actually effecting my games for once! :)


Like many seem to be doing at a moment I have started a blog mainly focused at my attempt to improve at the game of Go.

Before I start I'm going to post a few usefull links:
What is Go - A basic introduction to the game of Go.
My Kiseido Rank Graph - Watch my progress.
Senseis Beginner Study Section - The starting point for all my Go study on the net. problems - A very usefull source of go problems, essential if you want to improve at Go.